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الإجراءات اللازمة لإطلاق طلبات عروض تعاون مع الشركات العالمية المتخصصة في مجال الذكاء الإصطناعي.

      ورد الى غرفـــة تجـــارة عمـــان كتاب سفارة جمهورية العراق في عمان  المؤرخ في 18 / آذار /2025، والمتضمن إعلامنا عن البدء في الإجراءات اللازمة لإطلاق طلبات عروض تعاون مع الش...

The Sixty Second Edition of the Arab Hellenic Chamber Magazine

The Amman Chamber of Commerce recieved a letter from the Arab Hellenic Chamber of Commerce and Development dated 28th February 2025 regarding the Sixty Second Edition of the Arab H...

Algerian Products Ready to Export to the Jordanian Market

Amman Chamber of Commerce recieved a letter from the Embassy of Algeria dated 18 February 2025, along with a list of Algerian products which are ready to export to the Jordanian ma...

Export Products Catalogue from Uzbekistan

Amman Chamber of Commerce recieved a letter from MS. The General Consulate of Jordan in Jeddah KSA, along with the letter from the Organization of the Islamic Cooperation (General ...