Chairman's Speech


In the name of Allah, the most merciful, the compassionate

The Jordanian Trader is a “Top Priority”

Esteemed traders,

A new stage has begun in the Journey of Amman Chamber of Commerce under the motto: “The Jordanian Trader is a “Top Priority” and a focus of attention. 

A stage, in which the trader’s role will be recognized through enhancing the Chamber’s participation in the economic activities, with a great concentration on laws, regulations and instructions related to the commercial and services sector.

It is time now for the Amman Chamber of Commerce that is considered the biggest chamber of commerce in Jordan, to play its anticipated role in facilitating its entire potential and capacities to serve the Jordanian trader, especially in the light of difficult circumstances and hardships that have affected the trade activity in the kingdom as a whole. This demands urgent and creative solutions able to alleviate the burden and revive the commercial markets again.  

The new Board of Directors has taken it upon itself to set up a clear perspective for each and every challenge faced by the commercial and services sector separately in order to reach to an obvious strategy that addresses the obstacles through a solid public - private partnership aiming to serve the national interest. This partnership must be concrete and a tangible one that can be translated into practice, contributing in easing activities of the economic sectors.

The new Board of Directors has taken over responsibility to upgrade the commercial and services sector in the capital of Amman, by the inclusion of the esteemed members of the general assembly, and enhancing their presence in framing the future of the Chamber, and building on previous achievements.

The new Board will also expand the circle of the Chamber’s services and pledges to provide support to syndicates and business associations to go hand in hand with the Chamber to fulfill common interests, and confront any decision or instructions conflicting with the activities of the sector.

The new Board of Directors finds it is necessary to consolidate the commercial sector and to engage the general assembly, syndicates and business associations in the decision-making process. Also, in forming and activating advisory and sectorial councils.

The new Board of Directors adopts the open-door policy, and will establish a hot line to follow up and solve issues concerning traders, importers and business owners for the benefit of all.

The new Board of Directors denies any exclusion of the Chamber’s role or compromising traders’ rights in discussing economic-related laws, legislations and issues as the Board believes in real partnership with the public sector for the benefit of the public interest, hoping that different economic sectors will witness a relief and a step forward towards building our dear country.

Khalil El Haj Tawfik
Amman Chamber of Commerce